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At the age of 6 when the children enter the junior school, they understand the basis of reading, recognition and writing. Children become life long learners when learning is fun and relevant activities to imbibe life skills and experience learning by doing. The fine strokes of care and understanding along with individual attention make learning a fruitful experience.

The institution is a Temple of learning and plays an important role in broadening the mental horizon of young learners and develop sterling ethical values in them. We lay focus on quality education and make sincere efforts to ensure that education is not limited to Curriculum alone. Hidden potential of the children is identified and encouraged for scholastic achievements. We equip children with smart (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound) goals and aim at providing holistic education and assets for the nation.

The teacher’s role as an educator has gone beyond limit especially in context of globalization, privatization and liberalization. We constantly uphold our levels of commitment to provide an enriching and satisfying environment. We constantly update and incorporate high tools and adopt strategies for effective teaching and learning.

Perseverance and abiding faiths are indispensable for attainment of excellence. It is our constant endeavor to spur the students on to the path of independent thinking and chisel their personality with reined strokes of better attention, care and sense of belonging.

Sandeep Srivastava